I'm sick, and when I'm sick I feel just ugly and gross. Instead of giving into these feelings I fight them with the cunning use of 'dress up time'. Yes this childhood past time keeps me from spiraling into a deep depression. It's also useful cause it keeps me experimenting with hair and makeup. Some looks don't go over so well, where as others (such as this one) look just lovely.

I always have fun with these things, can't take myself too seriously you know.

Woah, messed up eyebrow, oh well. Colors are Aromaleigh with Hades on the outer corner halfway under the eye. Escape Velocity was used on the lid with Blueshift arching over it and meeting with Hades. Escape Velocity and Blue shift blended too much, that why there's not very much color difference. Rhea was used on the inner corner and arched over Blueshift. And then lastly Fume was used under the eye.

Over my foundation I used Aromaleigh Peaches n' Cream finishing powder, and then Corset blush. On my lips is my Smashbox lip pencil in Fair with L'oreal Color Juice gloss in Coral Cascade.

The hat and tie belong to Randall, I got him the hat for his birthday a few years ago, it's really good quality and was pretty expensive. It's a large so it's huge on me.

This was fun, it really does make me feel a little bit better.
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