So much easier to find people in an anime convention. If your not in costume your easy to spot being the minority. And if you are in costume there's usually something pretty recognizable about you. All this black, dark blue, and army green was driving me nuts.Not a convention in the way I picture a convention, with events and panels to attend. This was more of a room filled with stuff to buy. Heather and Randall like to go for the very good deals on comics for those willing to search for them. Last year Randall bought most of my christmas presents from dealers there (mostly Hellboy and he managed to find a Muppet comic) so I thought I might check it out myself.

Since this is my first trip, and I wasn't sure what to expect I now have some solid advice to for anyone who goes to one of these things.
Have something in mind that you want to buy before you go. The options are overwhelming, and I spent most of my time huddled nervously next to Randall. And just looking over his shoulder at whatever he was looking at.
- Wear pants, if your serious about finding good deal you will be on the floor a lot.
Randall doesn't seem to mind though.- Comics will be categorized any which way. By name, character, publisher, year, etc... If you're really serious about finding something specific you're gonna need to know it all when you look through the different booths.
- If you're just an anything goes/buy whatever looks interesting kind of person, bring something to carry your comics in, you will probably be buying a lot.
Case in point...

Heather buys a few specific items...

...While Randall would buy up the whole place if he could. He's using ones of those reusable grocery bags, smart and environmentally conscious.
- People do dress up at these things, but it doesn't really make any sense considering the only reason to go is to buy stuff.
- ...Although it is still fun to do so.

Here's a Freddy Kruger cosplayer Heather and I were really excited about, we watched all the Kruger movies for Halloween. The PDX Rebel Legion (a local Star Wars group) was also there, but they were charging money for pictures which kinda pissed me off, but I'm gonna say the money is going to charity (though I don't really know). Kinda makes me want to make my own Star Wars costume and show them up.

Outside the dealer room was a fountain, the designs is kinds 70's looking. A few minutes after this picture was taken it started to snow. Also how cool is my new camera, I was walking when I took this picture.
I went to the convention look for three different series
Irredeemable, and Abadazad. I understand why I couldn't find Abadazad, the company went out of business. But the other two were put out by Boom! and while they're not one of the giant publishers like DC, Marvel, or even Dark Horse they have some pretty big contracts through Disney and Pixar.

I did find some
Animaniacs comics that I didn't even know existed. Which is 21 kinds of awesome, Animaniacs was one of my favorite cartoons growing up. I've been buying up the seasons as they come out on DVD and they're just as funny now as they were then, plenty of adult references that kids would never catch.
Me and Rose went a couple years ago, I think? Fortunately I was smart enough to not cosplay. Rose went in Lolita, which turned out to be a bad move, as the creepy fanboy stares were at an all time high. That said, we did find some cool stuff- like an awesome Sherlock Holmes comic-style poster for Teal and some old SNES games.
ReplyDeleteI think I remember you guys telling me about that.